
Hello there! I'm Julien Bouvet,
a french Design Manager based in Paris.

I lead teams design and improve digital products with a particular focus on lean implementation, tooling, and growth in a tech environment. Past experiences include both B2B and B2C projects stretching from pure marketing SaaS webapps to end consumer native applications; from large companies to startups.

I like code, minimal processes and forward-thinking.

SNCF Connect


Key success indicators:

  • 130+M tickets sold in 2022
  • 25M downloads (+3M compared to Oui.sncf)
  • +6pts in conversion rate
  • 70.6% strict RGAA (WCAG) compliancy
  • Rated 4,5/5 on average iOS & Android by our users
  • A single large-scale Design System
  • From 3 up to ~30 product designers
  • On budget, almost no turnover three years in a row
yay yo

Assistant SNCF

sncfconnect_framed--offers ,

Some numbers*:

  • ~3M monthly users
  • ~80M origin-destination searches per year
  • One of the first true Mobility as a Service application in Europe
  • First third party to implement Uber (EMEA market)
*: rough estimates based on 2020-2021 averages

Renault One

, Working for Renault’s large-scale digital relaunch, I was part of a leading user experience effort for its e-commerce chapter: building user journeys, conducting or mandating user tests, and creating wireframes and prototypes as deliverables.



« La littérature entre deux portes »

A solo take on the publishing digital distribution means. Homebrewed, from its design to its last line of code. Poscat is dedicated to improving the reading experience based on the reported lack of time, the difficulty to follow through on any long format, and adapting the content creation process to my own needs. Poscat hosts works of fiction, both long and short. At the time of writing (early 2023), Poscat is in a feature-freeze state.


Mécaniques Sauvages (Les Moutons Électriques, éditeur)

Talks and lectures

"Comment donner une voix forte au Design ?", in La Pause Produit par Yeita

"Delivery is lava!", in La Conf Qui Tue Le Game

DesignOps at SNCF Connect & Tech: the craft, the tools and how we take informed decisions.

"Organiser le design", in Friends of Figma

How we scaled-up our design practices for SNCF Connect. Watch the Youtube Replay

"Faster Horses", at Interaction, Milan

Musings and incidental user-centered design to crack the "mobility as a service problem".